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Yearbook Information

Yearbook Information (2024-25)

Yearbooks for the 2024-25 year are on sale NOW through link below.

The current price is $70.00.  The price will increase December 1

Parents of seniors: The Parent Recognition ads are due by December 1st. 

Please put together this memento for your student!  

For more information contact:

Senior Portrait Requirements

head and shoulders


Your senior picture can be uploaded at:

  • Your photo should be high resolution - jpg format @ 300 dpi
    • (Please note: photographs for social media are usually 72 dpi and the image may not result in a good quality print)
    • If you are taking photos with a phone, make sure it is set to the highest quality setting.
  • Vertical format- Minimum size- 2 5/8"x 3 1/2" = 825 x 1050
    • (photos will be cropped as needed and don't need to be this exact size)
    • Larger sizes are also acceptable, ex: 5"x 7" = 1500 x 2100
  • Preferred file naming: Lastname_Firstname
  • Front-facing head and shoulders pose in portrait orientation in color. No props, hats, sunglasses, etc. Attire should be school appropriate and meet dress code (no bare shoulders). Photos that do not meet dress code requirements may not be accepted.
  • Head size (from top of the head to chin) should be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the image
  • If your photo is not submitted by the deadline, your school photograph may be used 

***Parent Recognition Ads 2024*** (baby ads) (for reference only, not active link)
can be completed online at
The deadline for baby ads has been changed to  

December 1, 2024.  Please don't delay!

Send your photos for the yearbook via email to:
or upload your photos for the Yearbook at

Class of 2024 Seniors:
Please upload your photo using the link below: The submission deadline is :
Friday, November 1, 2024 at midnight!

Submit online using  
Please rename the file as: Lastname_Firstname
The Class of 2025 Senior YB Packet deadline is Friday, November 1 at midnight!
*Please complete online using links or QR codes
Senior Quote
* Yearbook Dedication
* Then and Now
the Senior Superlatives form is due November 1, 2024 at midnight.

Information for Yearbook 2025 

* All forms can be completed online using links or QR codes
Senior Quotes
* Yearbook Dedication
* Then and Now
Parent Recognition Ads 2024-25 (baby ads) are done online through Jostens at
The submission deadline for Recognition ads is December 1, 2024  
Senior Superlatives
Info is for reference only
Complete and submit the form by November 1, 2024
Students and staff can upload photos (Then and Now and candids) for Yearbook 2024-25 using this QR code



For more information: email